Harvest Time


Harvest time is upon Stephen's Place.

The leaves are turning all sorts of different colors, the weather is getting cooler and the days are getting shorter -- and Stephen’s Place is loving it right now!  Whether you’re a fan of autumn or of the holiday season growing near, it’s hard not to love harvest time.Halloween pumpkins were just a few of the veggies we planted for harvest time at Stephen's Place. Lately we’ve been getting our Garden Club ready for the cooler weather and reaping a bountiful harvest from the seeds we planted in the spring.  We’re enjoying picking apples from our trees, pumpkins from the greenhouse and lots of delicious vegetables for our chefs.  We also put together some fall floral arrangements and they’re looking beautiful.The next step for our Garden Club is to preserve the next round of seeds for spring, maintain the greenhouse equipment and show our indoor plants some love while it gets colder.  We planted some cool weather veggies, such as kale and we can’t wait until we can harvest those too a little bit later in the year.  In the meantime, our residents are staying busy here at Stephen’s Place!We’ve saved a few of our pumpkins from this year’s harvest for painting come Halloween.  Stay tuned for fall arts and crafts. There are lots of other cool events we have planned this month, including pet therapy visits from, a pumpkin patch outing, Disney on Ice and some volunteer events.  If you’re interested in staying updated on any of those, please feel free to visit our events page -  www.stephensplace.org/events.We hope you all are having a great fall season and, as always, we appreciate all of the support you’ve shown our Garden Club. 


8 No-Carve Pumpkin Ideas


Magnetic Slime